Okay! let’s be real.

    They probably told you to live life fully, they told you to love yourself – to be proud of who you are and be proud of where you come from; they told you to learn to be comfortable in your own skin and appreciate your body; they told you to believe in yourself  because you are enough and have all it takes to make magic; they told you overthinking is a disease that traps you in your own mind; they told you to quit being depressed because you are worthy of love and you deserve a better life; they told you to learn to appreciate life and go after everything you want; they told you not to compare your story with others, because the grass is only greener wherever it is watered; they told you the only limits in life are the ones you make! they told you to believe and have faith and watch things work you; they told you to be…Happy.

  ( I can go on and on stating these facts of life that we must always remember!!!)

But you don’t sometimes. I mean, you’re not living life fully, you’re finding it real hard to love yourself and accept your imperfections, you’re struggling with self doubt, you’re probably still overthinking a lot, still fighting depression, still trying to find yourself and figure everything you want from life. You’re still always comparing your life with Ada’s, you still create a lot of limits in your mind, faith something you’re still learning, and it’s like your dopamine hormones are on vacation ( this means you are rarely happy lol) – sounds all so overwhelming right?        

The whole thing puts you off  because all you want to do is get better and that’s not working out . That’s because they probably forgot to tell you that you are ONLY HUMAN!

Today, I’m here to share a fact that we must we must accept.

Everyone is enlightened about life’s lessons, the problem is living it out! I am victim, everyone is. I mean, we know these things, we have all the information about them, but when is time to live it out there is always a problem (it’s easier said than done ). You know what I am talking about, (yes YOU!) I’m sure you probably screenshot every motivational quote you see; you’re always on that influencer’s page waiting for them to post something inspirational that hits home; every motivational video you watch on YouTube or Instagram ends up on your social media story lol. Like you have so much information! but practicing it just doesn’t seem to work. Okay, sometimes you actually live them out but it’s just temporary; Like today you love your life, you love yourself and then tomorrow you start to wish you were someone else (We’ve all been there).

It’s sad actually because life is a journey of self perfection, and it feels like you are going no where!

The whole situation is heart breaking and sometimes it just makes you want to give up on everything, but Hey! “You’re only human”. We must learn to understand that this thing is inevitable because we are only human. “The soul is willing but the body is weak” Y’all have heard of this – that its our body hinders us from great benefits. Like our soul is always ready and willing, but the body just does the opposite. The only time that we can be able to live life fully with nothing holding us back at some point, is when we go to meet Our God in heaven and finally get rid of this “earthy body”. This just reminds you that this world is just a passing face and someday you would be in a place where you can be Happy 24/7

 Until then we’ll just have to keep dealing with it: keeping rising, keep falling (you know the drill) .Everybody experiences this. Even the people you feel are living flawless lives; like your role models, motivational speakers, those influencer’s on Instagram that you’re constantly stalking (I’m literally calling out my sister here lol) anybody, you name it! IT’S INEVITABLE. The only thing that helps everyone is getting back up when you are knocked down. You’re always going to be knocked down (let this stick), you just need to get back on your feet.


But you know what? I’m proud to be human (you should be too!), I mean we are God’s greatest designs – Do you know what it means to be God’s greatest design??? The whole thing is might feel shitty but trust me, it’s a beautiful mystery. So EMBRACE IT!

My advice to you:

Don’t give up on motivation or motivational speakers! Yeah, I get you’re not feeling it sometimes; it’s okay because your only human . It’s okay to fall down, but it’s not okay to stay down. I hope you find a reason to get up! Let the kind of life you want to live, and the person you want to become motivate you. 

I’m super happy that I’ve brought this fact to life, and I know you are too.

Thank you for reading. Do subscribe because I know you like what you see; comment let me see what you think; and spread the word by sharing:)

See you in my next post.   

                                                                                                   Love, Chideerah.

Published by chideerah

Lighting up the darkness ☆

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