What’s going on?

Hmmm Life is a journey not a race they say, slowly learning each day to stay in my own lane and be more focused on growing my garden instead of looking into someone else’s. Hey there, Welcome back. It honestly feels good to have you back here (literally). It feels good because I am actuallyContinue reading “What’s going on?”

True legacy

Hey there! So as usual, I am here to share one of my  latest discoveries. You probably didn’t know but here is what matters the most. This message is everyone out there like me who wants to change the world ,  anyone out there who wants to leave a mark on this planet 👣 YouContinue reading “True legacy”

You matter!

Hey! Welcome back to my beautiful space on the internet, a place where you can be rest assured to find things that feed your soul and leave a big smile on your face. I am still a work in progress! I basically just share some of the problems I face and ways to deal withContinue reading “You matter!”

Okay! let’s be real.

    They probably told you to live life fully, they told you to love yourself – to be proud of who you are and be proud of where you come from; they told you to learn to be comfortable in your own skin and appreciate your body; they told you to believe in yourself  becauseContinue reading “Okay! let’s be real.”

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